Fabien W. Edjou

Fabien W. Edjou

Born in Cameroon – Africa, raised by a single mother, lived independently since the age 13, Fabien is a highly decorated Retired US Army Officer who devotes his retirement from the military spreading messages of hope and happiness. Despite going through several existential life struggles such as business disappointments, friends’ abandonment, a divorce, staggering debts, homelessness, loss of home and custody of his children, he has never stopped being happy. Amid his own life struggles, he found his voice and his desire to help others find meaning, purpose, and happiness grew even stronger. He is a former host of “Revelations & Wonders, Secrets to Life and Happiness” Talk Show, and blog of the same name at www.revelationsandwonders.com. His audience consider him a “Hell of a Man”, The best human being I’ve ever met”, and a “true beacon of light” who “will bring great joy to the World!" Find him at: http://revelationsandwonders.com/.