Lirit Rosenzweig Topaz

Lirit Rosenzweig Topaz

Lirit Rosenzweig Topaz has 20 years experience as a producer of animation, TV shows, film, music videos and  live events.  Lirit is the founder and executive producer at Neko Productions, an animation studio based in Burbank, CA, and the founder and  owner of FBF animation, an online animation school that trains animators and concept artists all over the world. As the executive producer of Neko, Lirit has worked on a large variety of projects for big brands like Sonic the Hedgehog, Marvel Avengers, Harry Potter, Barbie, Facebook, and produced the animation in the feature film  "Ask Dr Ruth" which premiered at Sundance and Tribeca 2019.  The film has been distributed in theaters by Magnolia pictures and is currently streaming on Hulu.