Chris Hall

Chris Hall

Chef Chris Halls story begins around the corner from his Local Three restaurant at a pizzeria where he worked as a teenager and 25 years later is still at it. He moved up the proverbial ladder, eventually landing, while in college, at Philadelphias famed Lec Bec Fin, where he set off to learning and taught himself how to cook. He later headed home to Atlanta in search of bourbon and a Southern Belle. He found both and is still in love with both to this day. Now Chris Hall mentors cooks and works on the creative aspects of Local Three, Warhorse Investments, and Unsukay. His true passion is to help people. Chris participates actively in a number of charities and is Vice Chairman of The Giving Kitchen. In 2015, Chris, Ryan, and Todd Hall were named Cornerstone Humanitarians by the National Restaurant Associations Educational Foundation for their role in kickstarting The Giving Kitchen. In 2019, the Giving Kitchen was named Humanitarians of the Year by the James Beard Foundation.