Jaz Gill

Jaz Gill

Jaz Gill began writing at the age of ten and was spired by the need to express thoughts and emotions in a way that others could relate to. In 2014, she first published in RCLAS 2015 anthology. Since then Jaz has published in numerous anthologies including "Muse For World Peace". Her first book, "True Grace", coauthored with Rita Koivunen, is a collection of forty poems and paintings. Jazz started writing song lyrics in 2013, and her first song "Preach" was recorded by artist Michelle Joly. Jaz has also supported the Indie film making community and is executive producer for feature film "Roads of Ithriyah" to be released in 2020 and associate producer of the short film "Dominant Chord". Jaz is looking forward to collaborating with many more artists in the future and creating music and poetry for healing.