Julieta Almeida Rodrigues
Julieta Almeida Rodrigues’ debut novel is titled Eleonora and Joseph: Passion, Tragedy, and Revolution in the Age of Enlightenment (New Academia Publishing). She is the author of Hora Crepuscular/Drawing Dusk/La Hora Crepuscular, The Rogue and Other Portuguese Stories, and On the Way to Red SquareNovelist Julieta Almeida Rodrigues has lived a life of broad and varied adventures that positions her well to write this story. Following the strong tradition of Portuguese female writers, she brings to her novel Eleonora and Joseph her experience of both the 1974 revolution in Portugal and her life in diplomatic circles around the world. The life of Joseph Correia da Serra has been the subject of biographies in Portuguese, while his contacts with Thomas Jefferson deserve to be explored in English. In addition, Eleonora Fonseca Pimentel’s narration from prison is a striking frame for female independence. https://www.julietaalmeidarodriguesauthor.com/