Jan Christenson
Jan has worked with people as a nurse for many years, where she developed a deep understanding of our spirit within and true caring for humanity. She has a B.A. in Psychology, from the University of Manitoba. She has counselled people in different situations in the past in understanding who and what we really are. We are energy in the form and formlessness. This energy is what makes up the entire Universe and it gives us the ability to get peaceful inside and tap into this divine energy, where wisdom is found, then anything becomes possible for anyone. You will gain an understanding of how your inner thoughts create your outer world. This new understanding can help you to see how we very unintentionally create havoc and fear in our lives and you will then be free to choose peacefulness accompanied by love for self and others. Being human can be tough but, it is still possible for you to live in joy and happiness most of the time. This is what becomes possible with a few sessions