Erika  Buenaflor

Erika Buenaflor

Erika blends her 20+ cumulative years of practicing as a curandera, mentoring with curanderx and shamans in the Maya Yucatecan jungle, LA, and Peru, and studying Mesoamerican Curanderismo at UCLA and UCR to provide you with a rich look into the fascinating world of Mesoamerican Curanderismo and Shamanism. She has a master's degree in religious studies with a focus on Mesoamerican shamanism and curanderismo. She has written Cleansing Rites of Curanderismo, Curanderismo Soul Retrieval, Sacred Energies of the Sun and Moon, and Animal Medicine. As a modern-day curandera, she excels at translating and applying this sacred knowledge to help her clients realize and live their BLISS.