Benjamin Swatez

Benjamin Swatez

Benjamin Swatez is an international artist, muralist, and social activist spreading the power of creative therapy worldwide. In 2011 Benjamin led a creative therapy project in Bahari, India, a village that had just come to freedom after decades of debt-bondage slavery. The Grandmother of Bahari said upon the conclusion of the project ."The best day of our lives was the day we were freed from slavery and the second best day of our lives was the day Benjamin came to teach us how to paint and share our voice.” Benjamin has led projects in the most dangerous regions of the world, sharing the power of creativity with over 7,000 people who have experienced the worst forms of adversity know to humanity. Painting beside a former child-soldier in Northern Uganda, the boy looked over at Benjamin and said with a paintbrush in his hand, “I used to think the most powerful man was the one with the gun and now I understand that the most powerful person is the one with a brush and something to say."