Ed Chaney

Ed Chaney

Ed Chaney is an experienced entrepreneur with over a dozen successful startups under his command. He has a passion for leadership and the ability to educate teams and audiences – qualities he acquired over the past 30 years His affinity for positive company culture, team-building, and leadership plays a key role in his business-building endeavors. Ed is developing teams of individuals who have a desire to question what’s possible, a desire to discover, innovate and invent, and those who have a thirst for breaking through existing barriers, so-called truths or bottom-line-driven industry standards. He carries with him, a sincere passion to elevate and support the development of those around him. He has a passion for discovering the potential within people and providing them with opportunities to have it realized in their lives. He encourages people to succeed alongside him as a team and empowers them with the tools to succeed on their own, as they transition through different career levels and aspects of their own lives. Ed seeks to educate through his businesses and provide solutions that are not dictated by what is just best for business, but most importantly, what is best for people. As the host of the VoiceAmercia Podcast, The CBD Ed Show, Ed provides unbiased information to his growing audience. The CBD Ed Show continues to be recognized as a leader in the CBD Podcast space with over 100 episodes archived and a new installment each week. www.theCBDedshow.org.