Stephanie Parrish

Stephanie Parrish

Stephanie Parrish has been on the cutting edge of Health and Wellness since 2013. Her clinic in St. George, Utah was the first to combine Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy with PBMT and Avacen Micro-circulation to produce unprecedented outcomes for its clients. Her work also served to build a case study database for physicians and researchers affiliated with the International Hyperbaric Association. She is an internationally certified Hyperbaric Therapist, a nationally certified PBMT Therapist, and is internationally certified for Avacen Microcirculation therapy. With a passion for empowering people to take control of their health and benefit from cutting-edge therapies, Stephanie and her husband established the Vitality Health Show in August of 2019. Their mission is to take the message of hope and healing to a world in desperate need of it. The show airs every Thursday at 10:00 am PST, and it is fast becoming one of the most exciting and informative shows on Internet radio.