Katharine Manning
: Katharine Manning has over 25 years’ experience training and consulting on trauma and victimization. As a senior attorney adviser with the Justice Department, for 15 years she counseled on victim rights in high-profile cases like the Boston Marathon bombing and the case against Olympic Gymnastics team doctor Larry Nassar. Now president of Blackbird, Manning helps organizations prepare for and respond to the challenges they face involving employees and members of the public in trauma. She has trained thousands on compliance with their responsibilities to victims, and she teaches a course on victim rights at American University. Prior to her government service, Manning was an attorney in private practice representing Fortune 500 companies in class actions, insurance, and media cases. http://www.katharinemanning.com/ Social Media: https://www.linkedin.com/in/katharine-manning/, https://twitter.com/kl_manning, https://www.instagram.com/empatheticworkplace/