Dr. Catherine Carr

Dr. Catherine Carr

Dr. Catherine Carr is an executive and team coach, team coach trainer and supervisor, facilitator, and psychotherapist with 25 years experience. Catherine is the Practicum Head for GTCI, and Assistant Faculty for the North American Systemic Team Coaching Diploma Programme. She is EMCC accredited as a Supervisor, Master Coach Mentor, and Master Team Coach and a certified Corporate Executive Coach. Catherine has a doctorate in executive coaching and leadership development and co-authored 50 Tips for Terrific Teams!, and High Performance Team Coaching. One of Catherine’s passions is leading North America’s Resilience @ Work. She is also a Conflict Dynamics Master Trainer and Leadership Circle accredited. She has particular expertise in public sector coaching, education, pharmaceutical, finance, IT, environmental, construction, and start ups. Catherine is grateful to do work that supports people to be well, live well and to meaningfully contribute around them and to our world. Dr.catherinecarr@gmail.com www.Catherinecarr.ca