Duane Elgin
Duane Elgin is an internationally recognized author, speaker, organizer and media activist. He has an MBA in business and an MA in economic history His books include: CHOOSING EARTH (with the film CHOOSING EARTH), THE LIVING UNIVERSE, PROMISE AHEAD, VOLUNTARY SIMPLICITY, and AWAKENING EARTH. He received the Peace Prize of Japan—the Goi Award—in Tokyo in 2006 in recognition of his contribution to a global “vision, consciousness, and lifestyle” that fosters a “more sustainable and spiritual culture.” His websites, www.DuaneElgin.com, www.ChoosingEarth.Org center on these visions: THE LIVING UNIVERSE-- Seeing the universe as a living system transforms our identity and evolutionary journey;THE HUMAN JOURNEY-- Exploring the big picture of humanity’s journey from the deep past and into the future; VOLUNTARY SIMPLICITY-- Living meaningful, satisfying and sustainable lives; and CITIZEN VOICE INITIATIVES-- Mobilizing media for trans-partisan, collective expression, local to global.