Simon Meitz

Simon Meitz

Simon J. A. Meitz is Associate Director Strategy at EY and Co-Founder of EYCarbon. He is a representative of the International Economic Council (IWR e.V.) as well as a start-up mentor for the Westerwelle Young Founders Program. Simon has more than 13 years’ experience a working in strategy consulting and executive management roles in the UK, Germany and GCC countries. He is a subject matter expert for decarbonization strategies, innovation, digitalization and Industry 4.0. He is author of “Strategy 4.0”, part of the practical handbook “Industry 4.0” (Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag) as well as "Preparing for the Age of Decarbonization" (Tax & Law Magazine). He has studied Business Mathematics, and Law and Economics at University of Eichstaett, Augsburg and London School of Economics (LSE), and graduated with magna cum laude (dipl. iur. oec. univ.) in 2006.