Beth Lynch

Beth Lynch

Beth Lynch is a Mind-Body-Spirit Teacher, Author and Medium. She founded Inner Light Teachings in 2002. Her services, writings, podcasts are about going into the light of your heart, creative power, living in Spiritual-Re-Ality. For 25 years she has helped families understand and heal grief. Her sensitivity to “feel” energy of others around her and connect to loved ones who crossed over has helped many understand life, death, and all the in-between. She is passionate about helping all ages understand the Spirit of life: keeping it simple, even fun, is so important for all ages. “Our perceptions of life, past, present create the future. The generations now are here to make the changes needed for our planet. Embrace your intuition, creativity, imagination through meditation, self-awareness. Be all you desire to be. Love deeply, laugh loud, live the life you deserve!” Beth believes Spirituality is the missing link in mental and emotional wellness.