
Lindsay "Momma Strong" Eskildsen

Lindsay “Momma Strong” Eskildsen currently lives in Huntsville, AL and is a Graphic Designer. Since the last time she competed in Season 10, Lindsay has had children in back-to-back years. Her first child Ava was born in 2019, and her second child Houston was just born in December 2020.  For six weeks after his birth, her ninja training was mostly limited to home workouts pushing and pulling one child down the hallway while holding the other, and pushups with a kiss to Houston each time down. After returning to the gym in January 2021, Lindsay was surprised about how she still has what it takes physically. She met her husband, Joe Greene (ANW8 Competitor), at a ninja competition in NC in 2016. She was living in California, but moved cross-country to live with him in Alabama. Not everything has been perfect in Lindsay’s life—she was diagnosed as pre-diabetic. Diabetes runs in her family and has caused blindness, heart disease, and kidney failure. Lindsay was shocked because she eats healthy and is physically fit.