Mak London

Mak London

MAK LONDON held her dream close for decades, but due to the hardships of growing up as an immigrant in Canada, Mak’s dream of becoming a recording artist was long stifled. But if there is one message that MAK shares with her fans, is that through fortitude and perseverance comes success. Today, MAK find herself sharing the stage with the likes of Brett Kissel, Paul Brandt, Jess Moskaluke and others. When the entire world paused during the pandemic, MAK went straight to work. Writing over 35 songs in 3 months - she is now ready to release a 10 song potent debut album, covering various subject matter, but the main message is empowerment. Her music is built upon a foundation of honesty and authenticity. Hip-hop tinged, mainstream pop catchiness, wraps around lyrics forged through experiences both painful and triumphant. Her vocals are rich and reveal both strength and vulnerability... and it’s resonating. In just 6 short weeks of releasing her debut single "Empress" and sophomore single "Cut Ya Clean", MAK has captured the attention of fans internationally, as well as major labels and heavy hitters in the music industry. Brazil is a current particular hotspot where her debut single Empress is on mainstream radio, and both singles (including the sophomore Cut Ya Clean) are on rotation on MTV Brazil. However, fans and industry in Europe, the US, and of course her home country Canada are also taking notice.