Demetrius Holt

Demetrius Holt

Demetrius Holt has been cosplaying since 2017 and has done a number of characters that were personal to him. From Kratos to Sub-Zero to He-Man….Demetrius has never really done characters that were of the “bandwagon” sort. Just ones that Demetrius have a passion for. Demetrius is best known as the “Afro He-Man” but prefer the cosplay "He-Man." Demetrius has been to the most recent SDCC as Press and has interviewed actors and composers on behalf of JVS YouTube channel. A brand ambassador for Black Heroes Matter and Figure This in 3D. He is a father of a 2 year old boy named Kaua'i. For his son’s sake, if it doesn’t make money, it doesn’t make sense because he could be spending my time with his son. There's a short film Demetrius has worked on based in Baltimore and has been cast within the "Lost Cos" tv show that is a scripted narrative centered around cosplay. Demetrius has also been featured in 3 cosplay magazines in 2019....two of which he has made the cover for....the February issue of Cosplazine and the November issue of Cosplay Alliance Magazine.  Men's Health ran an article on Demetrius and his impact within cosplay as a Black Man in April of 2021. He is currently creating a series of PSAs aimed at educating Black children via his He-Man cosplay in animated form on streaming services. Demetrius’s cosplay mission beyond having an outlet for his creativity is to push for the proliferation of minorities within mainstream media.