Gina Rolkowski

Gina Rolkowski

Gina Rolkowski is a former elementary school teacher and parent educator turned trauma coach. She is also the founder of Bridge to Breakthroughs, a faith-based mentoring and coaching program for women who have experienced sexual abuse, whether in childhood or as adults. Gina’s approach to helping women heal from their trauma focuses on transforming the way they see themselves. She does this by combining social emotional intelligence strategies, brain science, and research around transforming trauma into triumph and purpose. The steps reflected in her Bridge to Breakthroughs program personally helped Gina overcome her own shame, fear, and self-hatred caused by past trauma. As a survivor of chronic sexual childhood abuse, Gina found herself in abusive relationship patterns, and struggled with drug addiction, even surviving multiple suicide attempts. Through trauma informed therapy, brain-based strategies, and finding herself through her faith, Gina recently celebrated 18 years of sobriety and mental wellness.