Dana Claudat

Dana Claudat

Dana Claudat is a modern Feng Shui Master and founder of The School Of Intention Feng Shui Certification Program. In the last 15 years Dana has pioneered her own approach to Feng Shui that is rooted in Infinite Possibility, Creativity and Empowerment. Rather than hope for lucky results and outcomes, she helps her clients to create them every day. She’s a Stanford-educated art historian with more than a decade of experience in design, Feng Shui, yet her approach to space is simple. Starting where you are, using what you have, you can create more of your dream home—and dream life—every day. Dana is a longtime mindbodygreen contributor and instructor and her work has been featured in design and lifestyle publications around the world. You can work with Dana from wherever you are in the world in her online Feng Shui Camps and through her Online Feng Shui Consultations. You can also sign up for her weekly Feng Shui Rituals, including rituals for every New and Full Moon. http://www.fengshuidana.com/