Rachel Heslin
Rachel S. Heslin has been immersed in the study of psychology for over 40 years. Her father, a clinical psychologist, taught his children his craft such that Rachel was first introduced to Neurolinguistic Programming NLP concepts when she was 9 years old, and she has been performing PartsWork and refining her reframing skills since the age of 11. After receiving her own bachelors degree in psychology from UCLA, Rachel facilitated trainings for the Southern California Society for Ericksonian Psychotherapy and Hypnosis SCSEPH, helping teach therapists how to incorporate storytelling techniques into a clinical setting. Some other roles she has held have been acting as the Director of Exhibitors for the 2014 California Womens Conference, a cohost for the 2016 WBECS World Business and Executive Coach Summit presummit sessions, and a WBECS Implementation Mastery Facilitator. She is also the president of the Mountain Healing Arts Association.Rachel is currently the author of two books: Navigating Life: 8 Different Strategies to Guide Your Way, and Rituals of Release: How to Make Room for Your New Life. Her work through her company, The Fullness of Your Power, helps people who feel like they are their own worst enemies embrace all parts of their true selves so they can live happier, more successful, and more deeply fulfilling lives. You can learn more about her and her work at http:www.thefullnessofyourpower.com.