Shannon Sagawe

Shannon Sagawe

Shannon Sagawe is the founder of The Wealth Alchemist, a lifestyle investment brand and the host/creator of the Shot Caller Podcast, launched in 2019. The Wealth Alchemists’ definition of wealth is having access, freedom and resources to pursue your dreams, invest in your health, spend time with loved ones and enjoy the beauty of this amazing planet. Financial and investment literacy play a key role in achieving this vision. Shannon was named as one of the “Top 30 Inspirational Women 2018: City Pioneers” by Brummell Magazine and in 2019 was a judge for both Brummell Magazine “One’s to Watch under 40,” and the “Top 30 Inspirational Women 2019: City Pioneers.” She has been interviewed for The Harrington Starr Group’s Podcast on “Female Financial Empowerment.”