Eloïse-Michelle  Nkamla Nziki

Eloïse-Michelle Nkamla Nziki

Eloïse-Michelle Nkamla Nziki is a student at the American International School of Johannesburg (AISJ), currently in 11th grade. Michelle was born in Brussels, Belgium but quickly moved to Gambia at the age of two and a half. She lived there for eight years and then moved to South Africa. Living in communities that differed in various ways from her own, she has been able to learn how to adapt quickly and the balance between staying connected with her own culture while integrating herself into another culture. Due to the service learning curriculum at AISJ, she has been a part of many service projects. One of these projects is the Give Them Hope Project that she leads along with two other friends. This project has enabled her to use her good communicative skills to create a relationship with a nearby orphanage to help in their goal of supporting their community by taking care of kids whether it is long-term or short term. In her free time, Michelle enjoys spending quality time with friends and family in activities such as, playing on a sports team like basketball, volleyball and football, debating or enabling debate in MUN or simply learning a new recipe to bake.