Melanie Wallace

Melanie Wallace

Melanie Wallace is a licensed social worker and certified master life coach. She has worked with children and families since 1993 and served in adoption for about 14 years. Her passion is family and serving them how she can. Melanie’s current title is Adoption Specialist where she does outreach and education to local pregnancy centers in the East and Northeast Texas area. She hopes to bust the myths about adoption, change the way people talk about adoption, and reduce the stigma of adoption through education and stories. Melanie has been married to Greg for 28 years, they have one grown son, and she is MaeMae to two great nephews. She enjoys spending time with family, exploring the great outdoors, cooking together as a family, visiting museums and eating dark chocolate. She recently worked with Sanctuary Cities for the Unborn to help her hometown of Lindell, TX become a Sanctuary City for the Unborn.