Anne  Ravanona

Anne Ravanona

Anne Ravanona is Founder & CEO of Global Invest Her, it's the go-to platform for early-stage women entrepreneurs that demystifies funding AND helps them get investor-ready. Her mission... is to help 1 Million Women Entrepreneurs Get Funded by 2030, she is a TEDx speaker and Diversity Consultant to Fortune 500 Companies. Anne aims to be a catalyst to help change the funding game for female founders, forever! She is an EU Delegate to the W20 which is the Women’s Engagement to the G20. Anne is an international thought leader and speaker on women’s entrepreneurship and financial inclusion including at TEDx and first G20 Women’s Empowerment Conference Anne is Past-President of the Jury for the Prix Simone Veil de la République Française which is the international prize recognising those who work on gender equality for women) requested by President Macron of France, and has advised President Macron on how to increase access to capital for women entrepreneurs at G7 and G20 level. Anne was recently named part of the TOP 50: Europe’s most influential women in the startup and venture capital space also Top 100 Influencers in Gender Equality and Diversity and is Entrepreneur in Residence at INSEAD business school.