Dr. Lynn Steinberg
Dr. Lynn Steinberg is an expert in Parental Alienation and the author of the book, "You're Not Crazy, Overcoming Parent/Child Alienation". Parental Alienation is when one parent weaponizes the children to reject the other parent without a valid reason. 22 million parents and extended family are affected by this devastating phenomenon. For the past 10 years, Dr. Steinberg has specialized in working with Parental Alienation by being an expert witness in the courts to prove parental alienation. She also reunifies parents and children in her four-day family reunification program. She has a 100% success rate. Dr. Steinberg is herself an alienated child and alienated mom. She speaks and writes widely in order to educate the general public including professionals such as therapists, lawyers, judges, teachers, and DPS. She is also working to pass legislation requiring mandatory training and reporting of this abuse for professionals working with those working with children.