Emily Roper-Doten

Emily Roper-Doten

Emily Roper-Doten rejoined Olin College of Engineering as Dean of Admission and Financial Aid in June 2015, where she began her career back in the aughts when Olin was fresh on the college scene. Emily leads the college’s student-centered, innovative, and inclusive enrollment function. In between stints at Olin, Emily served as Associate Director of Admissions at Tufts University. Emily, a first-generation college student, received her M.A. with distinction from Boston College in Higher Education Administration and her B.A., Magna cum laude, in Educational Studies and Theater from Colgate University. She serves on the steering committee for the College Admission Collaborative Highlighting Engineering and Technology (CACHET) and is on the New England Association for College Admission Counseling (NEACAC) Governing Board as an Assembly Delegate and faculty member for the NEACAC Summer Institute for new admission professionals.