Dana Vitorelo

Dana Vitorelo

Dana Vitorelo was born and raised in the Bay Area, CA. She earned her B.A. in Psychology from Chapman University and M.A. in Depth Psychology from Sonoma State University. Dana is dual-certified through The Narrative Enneagram and is an IEA Accredited Professional. At her first Enneagram training in 2015, Dana had the pleasure of meeting and promptly falling in love with O.G. Enneagram Prison Project Ambassadors Alex Senegal and Victor Soto. With their encouragement, she applied for EPP’s first pilot training inside Santa Clara’s Elmwood jail and instantly felt at home with the men in class. She found her people and her calling during that pilot training. Dana is now a Master Guide and Faculty member with EPP. Through this work, she is reminded daily of the sacredness and suffering that we all experience as part of the human condition. As a Type Six Dana finds immense joy in holding space for, supporting, and loving deeply those yearning to find a way back home to themselves. She is honored and humbled to be part of a collective where the work of choice is to intentionally and continuously wake up to the inherent preciousness, perfection, and wisdom that is already living within each of us. Dana currently lives in the North Bay with her dog Sophia and cat Bast. In her free time she is hanging out with family, stuffing her mind with new information, or simply enjoying solitude.