Stacy Musial

Stacy Musial

Stacy Musial is the founder of Be The Love podcast. Stacy is on a mission to bring love to the world by assisting humanity to love themselves first, to transcend through the shadows and awaken their potential as sovereign beings. She is the author of Your Empowered Soul: A Natural Path to Heal Anxiety and Depression. She has been practicing psychotherapy for over 10 years and has a passion for diving deep into emotional wounds to heal and transform the energy behind the wound to bring light through for deep love. Stacey and Brenda Carey, Co-hosts of Be The Love podcast are on a mission to awaken all humans to a higher state of consciousness and live vibrantly as spiritual beings. We are called to create a community of healers, teachers, guides and earth keepers to connect to a vibration of Love for ourselves and the planet.