Radical Health Makeover  Book

Radical Health Makeover Book

Today’s dietary recommendations are making people sick, fat, and depressed and what we need first and foremost, before making any dietary changes at all, is to reprogram our personal belief systems so we can make more intelligent choices about what to eat and how to live. History has shown us exactly where we went wrong and science has shown us how to fix it, but the solution is a radical departure from today’s “politically correct”, media-sponsored, nutritional advice. We have all been taught to distrust our body’s intelligence and to blindly put our faith in a medical system defined by outdated treatment models that fail to appreciate the complexity of how the mind and bodywork together. Radical Health Makeover: The Science And Spirituality Of Self-Healing, explains what has changed over the last 100 years to cause us to forget who we really are as humans and it offers a roadmap to finding our way back. Find the book online at: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09ZWCHYZB