Dustin Baldwin

Dustin Baldwin

Dustin Baldwin was born and raised in the small town of Gilroy, CA. He currently works & is in school full time majoring in wastewater treatment. Due to his busy schedule, in his free time, you will find him napping if he is not hiking in the Redwoods, riding his bike, or at the gym. During his incarceration, he found the Enneagram Prison Project while at Elmwood Correctional. From the age of 18, when he entered San Quentin State Prison for the first time, to the age of 38 he spent approximately a decade in and out of California jails and prisons. Dustin completed EPP’s in-custody course three times and has completed a number of courses. If you've been part of courses, you're sure to have seen live panels where he brings humor, hope, & incredible insight. EPP and Susan Olesek helped him find himself - his innocence, his essential goodness, and assisted in reconnecting Dustin with his unique divine spark. His path to transformation & healing has been quite the journey - illuminating and clarifying his habituated patterns and the way out. He now understands why he does what he does, can pause and make space when feeling reactive, and has learned how to be consistently emotionally responsible. Dustin understands that the work never ends and it is easy to fall back asleep into one's patterned way of being. He continues to do his work every day with the support of family, friends, his partner, fellow EPP Ambassadors, and the EPP community.