Anissa Buckley

Anissa Buckley

Anissa Buckley, b-untethered founder, is a nationally recognized health and wellness expert, innovator and avid adventurer dedicated to helping women elevate their midlife well-being. Prior to launching b-untethered (2020), Buckley developed the retail industry’s leading nutrition database, healthyAisles™ for which she was invited to the White House. Her company was acquired in 2007. Before these successes, Buckley spent 15 years in various positions with Fortune 500 companies. She holds an MBA and a BS from Cornell University, and several wellness certifications. Since 2015, Buckley has been consulting and undertaking physical endeavors including Mount Kilimanjaro; Himalayas (2x), summitted Thorang Pass (18k feet), 140 miles; South Africa, Cape Town, completed Two Oceans Ultramarathon, 35 miles; Ironman Maryland 140.6 miles; Ironman Syracuse 70.3 miles; Ironman Boulder 70.3 miles, Ironman Rio 70.3 miles; Colorado, Boulder, lived in RV, cycled Mount Evans, 14.1k feet, 28-mile climb.