Dr. Priscilla Akpaita

Dr. Priscilla Akpaita

Dr. Priscilla is a National Board Certified Career and Technical Educator, with a Masters Degree in Curriculum and Instruction, and a PhD in Educational Technology and Leadership, with a focus on foreign language learners (that is, people whose native language is something other than English). She is also author of the book, ‘Anchors of Hope’ – which she wrote on the other side of being a caregiver, navigating grief and dealing with her Mom’s passing. You can find “Anchors of Hope” on Amazon. Even before the pandemic, Dr Priscilla was been teaching online to a global audience, as well as in most of the Eastern United States. Years before many of us had even heard of Zoom, she saw the value and opportunity that technology offered to interact in a steadily increasing global community, and established a solid reputation in the 11+ billion dollar industry of coaching Non-Native English learners. She has worked in this industry for nearly 20 years, with 10 years specifically focused online.