Maggie Ann Engel

Maggie Ann Engel

Maggie Ann Engel is a transformational astrological/angelic coach, ceremonial facilitator, death coach, author, mother, and sacred site retreat leader. She helps guide people to their hearts and to deeper self love by illuminating the unique beauty of their soul’s divine blueprint and their soul’s particular mission here on Earth. This helps them cultivate compassion and understanding of themselves and the energies of their being and the cosmos, and it helps guide them in the creation of their own hearts Heaven on Earth. This is incredibly supportive and healing work for those moving through massive transitions and up leveling of energies. She uses her sacred tools and innate intuitive skills and knowledge to help empower, guide, and lead her clients back to their hearts the pure love they are in support of their sacred soul missions. Her strong connection with the Angelic realm guides her service and intuition, and greatly benefits her clients in their transformation and up leveling processes.