Chronicles of Hope  Book

Chronicles of Hope Book

The third book in the series, Chronicles of Hope: The Archangels share channeled messages for spiritual seekers, light-workers, and light warriors. Archangels give us tools for empowerment and encouragement to embrace our unique gifts, unlocking the future of hope for humanity. These messages formulate peaceful awareness at personal, community, and worldwide levels that are vitally important for the continuing existence of our civilization. Through the eyes of the Archangels, we see how spirituality grows with a realization that everything needs to be questioned. These Archangels reaffirm our gifts of intuitive knowing and challenge us to ask for their assistance to navigate this life and better understand our ascended life path. Embrace the freedom to question, explore, and wonder about the possibilities in today’s world. Enjoy these insights that offer a path for empowerment with hope for a bright future and inspiration to manifest your purest dreams for humanity and our beloved Mother Earth. Find it on Amazon at: