Jen Mons

Jen Mons

Jen Mons is mentor for healers, coaches, and conscious feminine leaders. She brings her experience as an Energy & Wellness Intuitive, International Retreat Facilitator, Holistic Health & Life Coach, and Licensed Spiritual Healer. She specializes in a blend of energy healing and intuitive coaching to bring clarity through energetic alignment to the soul wisdom through 5 Element Wellness. She specializes in reprogramming the ego through divine healing number mapping from the center of Conscious Ascension. She is the host of the Podcast “Body and Soul Wisdom”, creator of the Embodied Feminine and Illuminate Your Soul Retreats and the North Star Collective for Healers, Coaches, and Conscious Feminine Leaders . She coaches, mentors, and educates healers, coaches, and consciously driven entrepreneurs seeking natural balanced health, more energy, self confidence, freedom, and fulfillment in their life by harnessing the energy of healing, shadow work, 5 element wisdom and to embody prosperity consciousness. Through her own life experience and health crises, she has mastered creating the foundation for a blueprint that is an energetic vibrational match for the highest expression of our soul signature and is the creator of the 6 step process “Soul Wisdom Imprinting”.