Anna Levesque

Anna Levesque

Anna Levesque is a distinguished leader in the outdoor industry for white water kayak instruction. What differentiates Anna is her approach to physical and mental wellbeing and how this is tied to success on the water and in life. She leads, inspires and coaches her clients on the self leadership required to live a healthy, confident and adventurous life, and is a sought after speaker and facilitator for empowering leaders in the outdoor industry. Among her many accomplishments and accolades, Anna was named one of the most inspirational paddlers alive by Canoe and Kayak magazine, voted the most inspirational outdoors person by Blue Ridge Outdoors Magazine, and is the author of the book Yoga for Paddling. She has paddled, taught and competed on the international stage for close to 30 years, and is passionate about empowering her clients with courage and confidence through her company Mind Body Paddle.