Dawson Church
Dawson Church, PhD, is an award-winning science writer and best-selling author. His book, The Genie in Your Genes, was the first to demonstrate that emotions drive gene expression. Dr. Church did his undergraduate and graduate work at Baylor University and obtained his doctorate at Holos University under neurosurgeon Norm Shealey, MD, PhD, founder of the American Holistic Medical Association. Dr. Church has conducted dozens of clinical trials and founded the National Institute for Integrative Healthcare to study and implement promising evidence-based psychological and medical techniques. Its largest program, the Veterans Stress Project, offers free treatment to veterans with PTSD. His groundbreaking research has been published in many prestigious scientific journals. Dawson Church is the editor of Energy Psychology: Theory, Research, & Treatment, a peer-reviewed professional journal. He shares how to apply these breakthroughs of wellness through EFTUniverse.com.