David Winston
In the early 1970’s, David Winston began his life-long journey into studying, practicing, teaching and researching Chinese, Western/Eclectic, and South Eastern Herbal Traditions. David’s world-renowned two-year herbal studies program, has been educating Herbalists, Physicians, Nurses, Naturopathic Physicians, Veterinarians, and Nutritionists in the art and science of clinical herbal medicine since 1980. David’s Herbal Therapeutics Research Library is one of the largest private herbal research libraries in the U.S. David is a founding member of the highly regarded American Herbalists Guild, the first professional herbalists’ organization in the US, which certifies clinical herbalists. David is a clinical herbal consultant to hundreds of prominent physicians (MDs, NDs, DOs, DCs) throughout the US, Canada and Europe and has authored hundreds of articles and a number of books on herbs.