Tammy Kohlschmidt

Tammy Kohlschmidt

Tammy Kohlschmidt is a well-rounded certified and licensed practitioner in multiple healing disciplines for sustaining health and wellbeing. Her disciplines include Clinical Thermography, Dental Hygiene, Tibetan Tones Sound Healing, Body Talk Practice, Nutritional Evaluations (using the Zyto technology), Thermal Imaging, Periodontal Therapy, Energetic and Spiritual Healing with Nutritional Evaluations. Tammy looks at health and wellbeing as a reflection of spirit, belief systems, energetic fields, body structure and body chemistry. She has intertwined her intuitive healing abilities and her love for energetic medicine as a Certified Body Talk Practitioner. Tammy has created Empowerment Weekends for Women as well as a class series called “The 8 Essential Secrets of Breast Health.” Her mission is to bring women together to support, enhance and encourage the healing of the feminine, helping all women RISE. Her latest workshop for women titled “Be-U-ty - Be Beauty Be You” helps women step into their essence and own their beauty as the inner light that shines outward. For information on Tammy’s work and workshop, visit https://thermographyforhealthny.com/beautiful