Shiv Dutt

Shiv Dutt

Shiv M. Dutt is the Tech Founder of Manifold Ventures and MeaVana. He grew up in India (just outside the New Delhi area). He studied at Vasant Valley school, where he excelled at a range of activities, including basketball, chess, debate, music, and academics. He moved to the US in 2007 to study mathematics at Princeton University, where he studied with several world-renowned professors, including John Nash, Peter Sarnak, and John Conway. Shiv worked for over a decade on Wall Street, including several hedge funds, Goldman Sachs, and fintech startups. He also worked on several startup ventures and created a top-3 self-improvement podcast. In 2021, Shiv left the world of finance to start his company, Manifold Ventures, which is currently focusing on developing the exciting and inspiring personal dashboard, MeaVana. Among his several hobbies, Shiv is a passionate chess player, swimmer, and meditator.