Kathy Guillermo

Kathy Guillermo

For nearly 30-years, Kathy has worked to expose and end cruelty to animals in the experimentation and horse racing industries. She’s spearheaded landmark PETA victories against government agencies like NASA and the U.S. Military and major corporations like Unilever. Kathy has also penned a book about the Silver Spring monkeys, the case that launched PETA into national prominence. Here’s what Kathy has to say about her work life at PETA: "PETA made it possible for me to work and care for my child in a way that was revolutionary for the time. When I started working here in 1989, my daughter was 6 months old. I didn’t want to put her in daycare, so PETA adapted my office to give me private space and made my door into a Dutch door so that I could have the top half open and still contain a baby who was learning to crawl. She was even welcomed to staff meetings—it was truly amazing and supportive. I remember Ingrid saying, “We have all these dogs here—why not a baby?”