Vanessa Garrido

Vanessa Garrido

Vanessa has worked in admission and education for the entirety of her career. She began as an assistant dean of admission at Reed College, her alma mater, where she recruited students from Hawaii, New York, and other states in the Mid-Atlantic region of the U.S. Vanessa later became Director of Multicultural Recruitment at Reed and led the college’s recruitment efforts for students of color. She went on to become a New York City Teaching Fellow, teaching English and special education courses and supporting the college counseling staff in high schools in the Bronx and Brooklyn. She then moved to Walla Walla, WA, where she taught at an alternative school, helping students complete their high school requirements and explore their options for college or various vocations. Most recently, Vanessa worked as an independent counselor and tutor, supporting students in their unique educational paths. She holds a BA in anthropology from Reed College and an MS in adolescent special education from Hunter College (CUNY).