Caitlin Donovan

Caitlin Donovan

Caitlin Donovan is a nationally recognized health care policy expert, specializing in the intersection of health care and personal finances. As the primary media spokesperson for NPAF and the Patient Advocate Foundation, Caitlin works to develop and implement strategic communications plans to ensure that the patient perspective is heard in the greater national conversation about health care. She has been quoted in the The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, CNN and other national media promoting systemic change, providing tips for dealing with medical bills and asking whether insurance should pay for video games. Caitlin’s work has always focused on using policy to effect positive change. As part of the staff for former Congressman Gary Ackerman and former House Majority Leader Dick Gephardt, she has clocked hours on everything from the Affordable Care Act to odes to Shea Stadium. Eventually, her passion for grassroots advocacy brought her to Network Lobby as the national director for the Common Good campaign, where the Nuns on the Bus were highlighted on The Daily Show, to her delight. She has completed graduate work at the Johns Hopkins University and has a bachelor’s degree with departmental honors in comparative politics from Brown University. As a Jersey Shore native, she lives and works in the promised land with her husband and three children.