Kari Holst

Kari Holst

Kari Holst grew up in Oslo, Norway. She is a mother of two and a grandmother of four. She loves skiing and long walks in the forests. During summertime, her life is very much about gardening, swimming, and keeping an open house for friends at her beautiful summerhouse in the town where Edvard Munch blessed the world with his numerous artworks. Kari has been on the self-discovery and awareness path for many years by practicing daily yoga, meditation, Reiki, and conscious breathing. For twelve years, Kari was head of administration in a health and social service department in Oslo and quit by the age of 42 after a breast cancer operation to study alternative therapies. She is a kinesiologist, also trained in massage therapy and reflexology. It is only when she discovered Reiki, or Reiki discovered her, that she finally found her healing tools. In 1998, Kari started her own Reiki business, and passionate about transmitting this simple tool for self-care, she has been teaching Reiki for at least twenty-five years. She has trained over 10 Reiki masters. Kari is dedicated to inspiring people to use Reiki as a simple tool to build self-awareness. Kari was the president of The Reiki Network and the leader of Reikihappening. She is also co-host of a weekly Light Meditation and is currently writing a book about her personal journey into awakening.