Diane Cherico

Diane Cherico

Diane Cherico was leaving her abusive husband with her 2 children, and needed a career. Her desire was to be a Registered Nurse but that required way too much schooling and time. She needed something quicker. She learned of a Massage Therapy school near her home and the rest as they say is history. She found it to be the most rewarding and healing career she could have ever imagined. Now she is a Licensed Massage Therapist and owner of Get the Knots Out Therapeutic Massage Center since 1999. She took her first Active Isolated Stretch (AIS) class in 2003 and now has 95 hours of training in this therapy. With AIS she had prevented surgeries, had people stop taking their medications, got them back in bed sleeping better and so much more! Today she now has a book that explains these healing stretches and even features her 85 year young Mom demonstrating this amazing therapy. She plans on starting The Natural Solution Revolution to help as many as possible feel better Naturally!