Lieutenant Anthony Almojera

Lieutenant Anthony Almojera

ANTHONY ALMOJERA is an EMS Lieutenant and Vice President of Local 3621, the New York Fire Department EMS Officers’ Union. Anthony is a twenty year veteran working in the NYC EMS system; and the author of Riding The Lightning, A Year in the Life of a New York City Paramedic. A Brooklyn native, Anthony Almojera is a world traveler who has visited close to 100 countries, and is a practicing Buddhist. He is a board member for the EMS FDNY Help Fund to assist EMTs and Paramedics in overcoming financial and emotional hardship. Anthony has always worked to Bridge the compensation disparities between FDNY EMS, and FDNY Firefighters and NYPD; but it was the extraordinary response and toll experienced by FDNY EMS as first responders during the COVID-19 pandemic that propelled him to write Riding the Lightning. Since March of 2020, Anthony Almojera has been profiled on the front page of the Washington Post and featured by CNN, Al Jazeera, USA Today, NPR, the BBC, and numerous other media outlets as well as an article on him in The New York Times: Sunday Edition.