Marie Bernardy
Marie is originally from Chicago and built her career in the non-profit sector. She served as the Development Director for Planned Parenthood, Vice-President for Development at two hospitals, and Executive Director of two library foundations. Marie never planned to have children, and fortunately, her husband Bill also wanted to be childfree. Marie developed gall bladder disease from being on the pill. At the age of 23, she needed to have her gall bladder removed. Her internist suggested she could have her tubes tied at the same time she had gall bladder surgery. Her ob-gyn was in agreement & both surgeries proceeded without issue. Bill had a vasectomy that same year. Just prior to surgery, Marie came across Shirley Radl’s book “Mother’s Day Is Over,” which she read in the hospital during recovery. The book was immediately relevant & helped reinforce the decision to be childfree. After reading a Times article about NON, Marie & Bill became involved in the organization & both served on the NON/NAOP board as President & made many local & national appearances (including a Phil Donahue segment on the “Today” show) on behalf of NAOP. Physical threats, nasty late night phone calls, and a several weeks-long “dialogue” in the newspaper with the Archbishop of St. Louis, who called for their excommunication were some darks spots in an otherwise exciting, fulfilling, and educational journey with NAOP. “47 years; no regrets."