Jerry Morton
Jerry Morton’s diverse experiences through his childhood into his adult years paired with a developed style of storytelling has enabled him to share with others the insights life continuously presents to him. A natural student of psychology and a career doctoral-level school psychologist, he has a rich understanding of the unique gifts of each person with whom he interacts. He finds those gifts in an angry child, a professional warrior, a doctoral intern in psychology, a parent of a child with special needs, an educator assisting that child and in the clerk at the local grocery store. His stories reach into the hearts of those in need of support and those who provide the support needed. His accounts of events are written in Reluctant Lieutenant: From Basic to OCS in the Sixties, A School for Healing: Alternative Strategies for Teaching At-Risk Students and Finding My Way by Jerry Morton as well as in his podcast series, “Finding My Way: A Memoir by Jerry Morton.”