Remlee Peck

Remlee Peck

Remlee Peck, M.Ed., has been an inspiration to people of all ages for more than 35 years. She is strong. supporter and advocate for children and their families and assists individuals and small groups with their personal growth and well-being. Her experience as a psychiatric social worker, lifelong educator, school counselor and author has led the way for the creation and success of her business COACHING YOU FOR CHANGE. As a Life Coach, Remlee provides support to those who experience personal and behavioral issues. She incorporates various mind-body wellness techniques and strives to offer unique alternatives to transform. customary ways of thinking. Remlee is a motivational speaker who offers participants their own Keys for Success. She leads numerous. workshops and seminars both locally and internationally on a wide variety of topics. Being a Master Gardener, Remlee loves sharing her talents with others.  She offers interactive group. events on both gardening and crafting class projects.